

I talk about software engineering, leadership, and technology.


Angular Plus Show

I began co-hosting the Angular Plus Show (previously under a different name) in 2019. The podcast focuses on the Angular framework and the community around it. In recent years, we've expanded our focus to include other web technologies and software engineering topics.


ng-conf 2023

Build Trust with Your Users Workshop

Do your users know that your site is having issues before you do? Are you monitoring the reliability and performance of your web applications? Do you want to learn the basics of building a culture of site reliability with your team? Join Brian and Mike and learn to build trust with your users. We'll show you how to define Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for your application that is derived from Service Level Indicators (SLIs). Once we have defined our team's SLOs and SLIs, we'll learn how to start measuring and monitoring our web application's performance and reliability. After all, we don't want our users letting us know when our app is down or slow - we want to build trust with our users!

Build a Culture of Site Reliability Webinar

Are you tired of slow-loading pages, downtime, and errors? Do your users notify you when your web app is slow or unresponsive? In this webinar, you’ll learn the 101 of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) for web applications. You can expect to walk away knowing how to start building a culture of reliability in your organization without hiring a team of SREs.

ng-conf 2022

Shit, our site is down! Let's build a culture of reliability.

Ding, ding! Ping, ping! Shit, our site is down! You create a war room channel in Slack, start a Zoom meeting, wake up the engineers. You scramble to identify the issue, get a fix PR up, merge, and deploy. You schedule the retrospective. You take a deep breath, knowing this will not be the last time this happens.

EnterpriseNG 2021

Achieving Highly Performant Angular Apps.

Application runtime performance is vital to the success of any organization. Sub-optimal runtimes result in frustrated users, increased issues reported, and an overall increase in time spent reducing performance technical debt. This is why it’s important to be able to accurately measure runtime, analyze those measurements, and deploy effective improvements based on those measurements.

ng-conf: Hardwired (2020)

The Phantom of the Template Error

Lurking below the surface of the templates in your application are half-masked type errors that are closer to surfacing as grotesquely disfigured bugs than you realize. As the director of your application, what are you to do? Manually checking each template would result in an angry mob of engineers. Thankfully you can capture these phantom template errors using Ivy’s new rich template type checking. Pulling away the mask through configuration flags we can reign in the terror once and for all.


Angular UP 2020

Angular Template Type-Checking

Angular provides three distinct template type checking modes that enable you, your team, and your organization to ensure that your application and its templates are error-free. Introduced as one of the core features of the new Ivy rendering engine in Angular 9, template type checking goes further than ever to enforce strict type checking of embedded views, input and output bindings, event emitters, and more. In this talk you'll learn how to configure each mode and what level of template type checking is provided in each mode.

Angular Zurich (2019)

Testing NgRx with Jest and Marbles.

Ok, your app is using NgRx for state management. Great! But, wait. What about tests? Well, it turns out the marble diagrams that help us understand how operators work, those graphics with colors and arrows, can also provide a convenient solution for us to test our app. We’ll take a deep dive into testing NgRX with Jest and marbles to conquer testing our apps that use NgRx.

Denver Open Source Users Group (2019)

PWAs with Angular and Intro to RxJS

Ok, your app is using NgRx for state management. Great! But, wait. What about tests? Well, it turns out the marble diagrams that help us understand how operators work, those graphics with colors and arrows, can also provide a convenient solution for us to test our app. We’ll take a deep dive into testing NgRX with Jest and marbles to conquer testing our apps that use NgRx.

Rocky Mountain Angular(2018)

It's Just Another Schematic Monday

In this presentation you’ll be inspired to build your own Angular schematics. While a schematic can be used to add and update libraries, it can also be used to generate common code patterns that you’re implementing in your Angular applications. We’ll talk through the basics of Schematics, dive into creating a schematic, and learn how to combine schematics together to build a robust CLI toolset for you or your organization. It’s sure to be a fun day!