Picture of Brian Love wearing black against a dark wall in Portland, OR.

Brian Love

TypeScript 2 + Express + Mongoose + Mocha + Chai

MongoDB is an excellent choice for persisting data for your web application that uses the Express engine on Node.js.

In fact, Express has documentation on getting started with MongoDB. I recommend you check that out as well.

I love JavaScript, including plain ‘ole vanilla JS. But, I also love TypeScript. :)

In this post I am going to show you how to get started with MongoDB and mongoose in your Express web application. I’ll be using TypeScript 2, which is a superset of JavaScript. I will also use the Mocha testing framework with Chai assertions to create a unit test for our interfaces, schemas and models for mongoose.

Let’s dive in.

Source Code

You can download the source code and follow along or fork the repository on GitHub:

Project Structure

I am going to be extending my TypeScript 2 + Express Starter Kit on GitHub. If you are just getting started with TypeScript 2 to develop an Express web app then I suggest you check out my article on getting started with TypeScript 2 and Express on Node.js.

Here is what my project structure looks like:

├── bin
│   └── www
├── dist
│   ├── interfaces
│   │   └── user.js
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── model.js
│   │   └── user.js
│   ├── routes
│   │   ├── index.js
│   │   └── route.js
│   ├── schemas
│   │   └── user.js
│   ├── server.js
│   ├── test
│   │   └── user.js
│   └── views
│       └── index.pug
├── gruntfile.js
├── package.json
├── public
├── src
│   ├── interfaces
│   │   └── user.ts
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── model.ts
│   │   └── user.ts
│   ├── npm-debug.log
│   ├── routes
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── route.ts
│   ├── schemas
│   │   └── user.ts
│   ├── server.ts
│   └── test
│       └── user.ts
└── views
    └── index.pug

Install MongoDB and mongoose

OK, let’s install MongoDB. I am going to be using Homebrew:

$ brew update
$ brew install mongodb
$ ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/mongodb/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents

The last line will copy the homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist file so that MongoDB is started when you login.

Now, let’s install mongoose. I will be using the --save flag to write the dependency into my project’s package.json file.

$ npm install mongoose --save
$ npm install @types/mongoose --save-dev
$ npm install @types/mongodb --save-dev


Next, create a new interface for your collection. In this tutorial I am going to be using a collection named users. Therefore, I am going to create a new IUser interface.

Create a new file src/interfaces/user.ts:

export interface IUser {
  email?: string;
  firstName?: string;
  lastName?: string;


Now, create a new schema for a user called userSchema. Create a new file src/schemas/user.ts:

import { Schema } from 'mongoose';

export var userSchema: Schema = new Schema({
  createdAt: Date,
  email: String,
  firstName: String,
  lastName: String,
userSchema.pre('save', function (next) {
  if (!this.createdAt) {
    this.createdAt = new Date();

Some things to note:


Next we are going to create two new interfaces for our model:

  1. IUserModel will serve as the model interface for the users collection.
  2. IModel will serve as the interface for all models in our application.

Create a new file src/models/user.ts:

import { Document } from 'mongoose';
import { IUser } from '../interfaces/user';

export interface IUserModel extends IUser, Document {
  //custom methods for your model would be defined here

Create a new file src/models/model.ts:

import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { IUserModel } from './user';

export interface IModel {
  user: Model<IUserModel>;

For right now my application only has a single model named user that is of type Model<IUserModel>. That means that the user property is Model of type IUserModel. We will use this model to create/edit/delete documents within our users collection.

Install q (optional)

I am going to the using Q for the promise library in mongoose. To use the q library we need to first install it via npm:

npm install q --save

In the next section I will wire this up with mongoose.

Update Server

OK, we have setup all of the interfaces for our schema and model. We are now ready to import these into our Server class.

Here is my updated src/server.ts file:

import * as bodyParser from "body-parser";
import * as cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import * as express from "express";
import * as logger from "morgan";
import * as path from "path";
import errorHandler = require("errorhandler");
import methodOverride = require("method-override");
import mongoose = require("mongoose"); //import mongoose

import { IndexRoute } from "./routes/index";

import { IUser } from "./interfaces/user"; //import IUser

import { IModel } from "./models/model"; //import IModel
import { IUserModel } from "./models/user"; //import IUserModel

import { userSchema } from "./schemas/user"; //import userSchema

 * The server.
 * @class Server
export class Server {

  public app: express.Application;

  private model: IModel; //an instance of IModel

   * Bootstrap the application.
   * @class Server
   * @method bootstrap
   * @static
   * @return {ng.auto.IInjectorService} Returns the newly created injector for this app.
  public static bootstrap(): Server {
    return new Server();

   * Constructor.
   * @class Server
   * @constructor
  constructor() {
    //instance defaults
    this.model = Object(); //initialize this to an empty object

    //create expressjs application
    this.app = express();

    //configure application

    //add routes

    //add api

   * Create REST API routes
   * @class Server
   * @method api
  public api() {
    //empty for now

   * Configure application
   * @class Server
   * @method config
  public config() {
    const MONGODB_CONNECTION: string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/heros";

    //add static paths
    this.app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "public")));

    //configure pug
    this.app.set("views", path.join(__dirname, "views"));
    this.app.set("view engine", "pug");

    //mount logger

    //mount json form parser

    //mount query string parser
      extended: true

    //mount cookie parker

    //mount override

    //use q promises
    global.Promise = require("q").Promise;
    mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

    //connect to mongoose
    let connection: mongoose.Connection = mongoose.createConnection(MONGODB_CONNECTION);

    //create models
    this.model.user = connection.model<IUserModel>("User", userSchema);

    // catch 404 and forward to error handler
    this.app.use(function(err: any, req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
        err.status = 404;

    //error handling

   * Create and return Router.
   * @class Server
   * @method config
   * @return void
  private routes() {
    let router: express.Router;
    router = express.Router();


    //use router middleware


Let’s take a closer look at the changes to our Server class.


import mongoose = require("mongoose"); //import mongoose

import { IUser } from "./interfaces/user"; //import IUser

import { IModel } from "./models/model"; //import IModel
import { IUserModel } from "./models/user"; //import IUserModel

import { userSchema } from "./schemas/user"; //import userSchema

The first thing we need to do is to import the mongoose package. Then we import the IUser interface as well as the IModel and IUserModel interfaces that we created. And then import the userSchema, which we will use to create a new model() in mongoose. We will wire up our connection to MongoDB and the models in the config() method.

model Property

I am then creating a new private property within the Server class called model. This object will be of type IModel, which we defined earlier in the src/interfaces/model.ts file. I set this to a new Object in the constructor function.

 * The server.
 * @class Server
export class Server {

  private model: IModel; //an instance of IModel

   * Constructor.
   * @class Server
   * @constructor
  constructor() {
    //instance defaults
    this.model = Object(); //initialize this to an empty object

    //code omitted

Updating config()

Finally we are ready to setup the connection to our MongoDB server that we installed locally.

As I stated previously, I am going to use the q promise library for mongoose promises.

   * Configure application
   * @class Server
   * @method config
  public config() {
    const MONGODB_CONNECTION: string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/heros";

    //code omitted

    //use q promises
    global.Promise = require("q").Promise;
    mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

    //connect to mongoose
    let connection: mongoose.Connection = mongoose.createConnection(MONGODB_CONNECTION);

    //create models
    this.model.user = connection.model<IUserModel>("User", userSchema);

    //code omitted

A couple of things to note:

Testing with Mocha and Chai

To test our models I will be using Mocha with Chai as the assertion library.

Mocha is a test framework that is very popular for Node.js development. Chai is an assertion library that includes methods like expect() and assert().

We could use node’s assert module but I prefer the style of chai.

Let’s go ahead and install Mocha and Chai via npm:

$ npm install mocha --save-dev
$ npm install chai --save-dev
$ npm install @types/mocha --save-dev
$ npm install @types/chai --save-dev

Next, I am going to modify my package.json file to add a custom test script:

  "name": "heros",
  "description": "The tour of heros",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "author": "Brian Love",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "NODE_ENV=development nodemon ./bin/www",
    "grunt": "grunt",
    "test": "mocha dist/test",
    "start": "node ./bin/www"
  //code omitted

Executing npm test will invoke our tests.

Create Test

NOTE: I have updated this post to use the mocha-typescript module. This takes advantage of decorators in TypeScript and can make your tests easier to write. So, you might want to skip down the next section to create the test using mocha-typescript.

With Mocha and Chai installed create a new file at src/test/user.ts:

import "mocha";
import { IUser } from "../interfaces/user";
import { IUserModel } from "../models/user";
import { userSchema } from "../schemas/user";

//use q promises
global.Promise = require("q").Promise;

//import mongoose
import mongoose = require("mongoose");

//use q library for mongoose promise
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

//connect to mongoose and create model
const MONGODB_CONNECTION: string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/heros";
let connection: mongoose.Connection = mongoose.createConnection(MONGODB_CONNECTION);
var User: mongoose.Model<IUserModel> = connection.model<IUserModel>("User", userSchema);

//require chai and use should() assertions
let chai = require("chai");

describe("User", function() {

  describe("create()", function () {
    it("should create a new User", function () {
      //user object
      let user: IUser = {
        email: "foo@bar.com",
        firstName: "Brian",
        lastName: "Love"

      //create user and return promise
      return new User(user).save().then(result => {
        //verify _id property exists

        //verify email

        //verify firstName

        //verify lastName

There is a bit of ceremony at the top of our test. I’m not going to cover it in detail. I import our necessary modules, classes and functions. I then configure mongoose to use the Q library for promises, create the connection to MongoDB and create the User model.

The important part is the test that “should create a new user”:

OK, let’s run the test:

$ npm run grunt
$ npm test

If all goes well then you should see a success message:

Mocha success message

Using mocha-typescript [Updated 2016-11-28]

Thank you to Michal who recommended using “a more TypeScript approach” to creating my tests using the project mocha-typescript.

To get started with mocha-typescript install it via npm:

$ npm install mocha-typescript --save-dev

The mocha-typescript module includes several decorators that implement the Mocha interfaces. The first decorator that we use is the @suite decorator that implements the Mocha.IContextDefinition interface. Previously I used Mocha’s describe() method:

describe('User', function () {

Using mocha-typescript I created a UserTest class that is decorated with the @suite decorator:

class UserTest {

The next decorator that we use is the @test decorator that implements the Mocha.ITestDefinition interface. Previously I used Mocha’s it() method:

describe('User', function () {
  it('should create a new User', function () {
    //code that returns a Promise object

Using mocha-typescript we can add methods that are decorated with the @test decorator:

@suite class UserTest {

  @test("should create a new User")
  public create() {
    //code that returns a Promise object


Note that a decorator does not end with a semi-colon. If you are getting compilation error error TS1146: Declaration expected then this is likely due to ending your decorator with a semi-colon.

Here is the complete code for my UserTest class using mocha-typescript:

import { suite, test } from "mocha-typescript";
import { IUser } from "../interfaces/user";
import { IUserModel } from "../models/user";
import { userSchema } from "../schemas/user";
import mongoose = require("mongoose");

class UserTest {

  //store test data
  private data: IUser;

  //the User model
  public static User: mongoose.Model<IUserModel>;

  public static before() {
    //use q promises
    global.Promise = require("q").Promise;

    //use q library for mongoose promise
    mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

    //connect to mongoose and create model
    const MONGODB_CONNECTION: string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/heros";
    let connection: mongoose.Connection = mongoose.createConnection(MONGODB_CONNECTION);
    UserTest.User = connection.model<IUserModel>("User", userSchema);

    //require chai and use should() assertions
    let chai = require("chai");

  constructor() {
    this.data = {
      email: "foo@bar.com",
      firstName: "Brian",
      lastName: "Love"

  @test("should create a new User")
  public create() {
    //create user and return promise
    return new UserTest.User(this.data).save().then(result => {
      //verify _id property exists

      //verify email

      //verify firstName

      //verify lastName

In our updated src/test/user.ts file we are now using the mocha-typescript module and the @suite and @test() decorators.

Some things to note:

The last thing to note is that decorators are still experimental in TypeScript. The TypeScript documentation warns us:

NOTE Decorators are an experimental feature that may change in future releases.

To enable this experimental feature we need to set a compiler flag named experimentalDecorators to true. In my sample project I am using Grunt to compile the TypeScript in the src directory to the dist directory. I have a gruntfile.js file that uses the grunt-ts task to compile the TypeScript to ES6 compatible JavaScript. Using grunt-ts we can simply add a flag to the options:

ts: {
  app: {
    files: [{
      src: ["src/\*\*/\*.ts", "!src/.baseDir.ts"],
      dest: "./dist"
    options: {
      experimentalDecorators: true,
      module: "commonjs",
      target: "es6",
      sourceMap: false

Note that I have set experimentalDecorators to true. Now we are ready to build and run our tests:

$ npm run grunt
$ npm test

If you are using the tsc command line to compile your TypeScript then you must use the experimentalDecorators flag (along with the ES5 or greater target):

tsc --target ES5 --experimentalDecorators


In case you want to test that your connection to MongoDB is working using more of a GUI approach then check out Mongoclient. After you install it you will need to configure a connection to MongoDB on localhost and set the DB to “heros”. If you look back at the connection string for MongoDB I used “heros” as the DB name.

Here is a screen shot of Mongoclient showing the document that I created when executing the test:

Screen shot of Mongoclient showing users collection with the user document created from the test.

Source Code

You can download the source code and follow along or fork the repository on GitHub:

The source code for this tutorial is a branch named 1-mongodb off of my TypeScript 2 + Express Starter Kit