Picture of Brian Love wearing black against a dark wall in Portland, OR.

Brian Love

Coda 2 Git toolkit

The Coda 2 application includes source control management (SCM) within the editor. This is included as one of the options for your sidebar, and is called the SCM sidebar. Switching to this view, you can see a list of pending changes that need to be committed to your repository.

I am using a local Git repository for tracking my changes, and then push my changes to phpfog. This has been working really well, but I have been using the command-line interface. Using the interface directly within Coda saves me some time.

To get started, you need to go to the Coda 2 Preferences > Files tab. At the bottom of this screen you will notice an input for both SVN and Git SCM tool paths. The default installation of git, which I did using homebrew, places the binary files in the /usr/local/bin/git directory. Just enter this path and Coda will be able to commit your changes to your Git repository.

You can also commit all changes to the repository rather than individual files by clicking on the branch name, which is usually “master”, at the bottom of the SCM sidebar and choose “Commit All Changes”.

Once you have committed your files to your repository, you can perform a Git push to share your changes with any other collaborators, or in my case, with my phpfog application.